Salsa on 1 / salsa on 2 / partnerwork /social
Radi by sme všetkých milovníkov líniovej salsy, čiže salsy on 1 ale i salsy on 2 a mamba privítali na workshopoch s Mo Targh z Budapešti.
14.5.- nedeľa
Možte sa tešiť na hodiny párovej salsy
16:00 salsa on1
17:00 salsa on2
18:00 -20:00 social dance/tančiareň
Wokrshopy - 20,- eur
Social - free
--------------------------------EN --------------------------------
We would like to welcome all salsa lovers, salsa on 1 but also salsa on 2 and mambo, to workshops with Mo Targh
14.5. - Sunday
16:00 salsa on 1
17:00 salsa on 2
18:00 - 20:00 - social dance
Workshops - 20,- eur
Social - free entry
About Mo Targh:
Mo T has a unique style showing appreciation for the dance form, music and partner. Mo T has become renowned for his musical interpretation, unique style, fast footwork, boundless energy, and most important of all, enjoyment of the dance. His main source of inspiration has been from travelling around the world and training with Jazz/contemporary dancers. Mo T is one of the best and most appreciated dancer/teacher in the UK/Europe..." Mo T has moved over to Budapest, since 2015 he has taken Jazz/Contemporary classes to understand dancers and dance movements. He managed to fusion salsa with Jazz dance. Mo T trains over 10 hours a week and with several students in Budapest.. Looking forward to seeing you all in Bratislava.